Our floor decors are among the best-selling designs in Europe.
They are appreciated by industry specialists but also by consumers in many countries. They allow you to create a space in line with current interior decoration trends.
Decora was one of the first companies in Europe to introduce a new flooring category SPC – vinyl flooring, with a high-density mineral core developed by the company. The product is 100 % waterproof, ideal for underfloor heating – as beautiful as wood and as practical as ceramic tiles. In 2022, we move our flooring production to Poland. Now, as the only manufacturer in Europe, we offer underlays, skirting boards and floor profiles from our own – local – production.
We manufacture skirting boards in several different technologies: hybrid, SOLID CORE (100% waterproof), PVC-free. Both solid and foamed skirting boards with a COEX layer.
Kapitał zakładowy: 527.353,15 PLN
Kapitał wpłacony: 527.353,15 PLN
BDO: 000022153
Sąd Rejonowy – Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu,
Wydział IX Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
Nr KRS 0000224559
NIP EU: PL 786-10-00-577